Apni apni kirdar ke bat hai nhi Tu yahan har Banda Kamal krta hai aur kirdar ku bhi achy ikhlaq se banana parhta hai...
Monday, June 7, 2021
Bring these grains from a grocer for only Rs. 5
Bring these grains from a grocer for only Rs. 5. It is my responsibility to get rid of sugar cane. Look at the method. You must have heard about Klonji. Klonji is used in medicine as well as in food and pickles. Klonji even adds flavor to food. It also cures hundreds of diseases. Blessed is the instruction of the Holy Prophet (sws) to use Klonji. It cures every disease except death. As much research has been done to date on the benefits of clonage, not all of its benefits have been identified. Whether it is wisdom or medicine, the use of herbs is considered very useful even in modern times. Today we are going to tell you a recipe for reducing Klonji which is so useful that your sugar will be controlled. Allah Almighty is the Healer of all. Know a few things There are some people who do not know whether they have diabetes or not. These four to five symptoms are very important for them. What happens to a diabetic patient that he starts to feel more thirsty than usual? He gets thirsty again and again and he uses water, then the diabetic patient starts to grow in his body. Some people's bodies increase and some decrease. Weakness and hunger are felt again and again. Weakness This feeling is created, you start feeling restless, you start feeling dizzy, you are tired all the time. Fatigue is considered to be a very important symptom in a diabetic. The biggest symptom is that whenever a diabetic suffers a wound, it takes a long time to heal. Bladder complaints also occur. There were some important symptoms that you need to know. How do you control sugar? First take seven grains of clonji in the palm of your hand, then you should recite Surah Al-Fatihah first and last three times on these grains, then 70 times. Give With the blessings of the Holy Qur'an, by the grace of God Almighty, his sugar will be controlled. The problem of diabetes will be controlled. People who are worried that our blood is out of control and they have been suffering from this disease all their lives, do this. Inshallah, you will see a difference within a week. Because the Qur'an is a cure for us.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
بلاگ شروع کرنے کی سب سے عام وجہ پیسہ کمانا تھا
گروتھ بیجر کے ذریعہ کی گئی ایک حالیہ تحقیق میں انکشاف ہوا ہے کہ بلاگ شروع کرنے کی سب سے عام وجہ پیسہ کمانا تھا۔ سروے میں شامل تقریبا blog دوتہائی بلاگرز کا کہنا تھا کہ منیٹائزیشن بلاگنگ کے لئے ان کی بنیادی ترغیب تھی۔ پھر ، جب آپ بھی اس پر غور کریں انٹرنیٹ صارفین میں سے 77 regularly بلاگ پوسٹس باقاعدگی سے پڑھتے ہیں
تحریری مواد سب سے زیادہ مقبول مواد کی شکل ہے
70٪ اشتہارات کی بجائے بلاگ پوسٹوں سے کمپنیوں کے بارے میں سیکھنے کو ترجیح دیتے ہیں … یہ واضح ہے کہ بلاگنگ ، جب اچھی طرح سے انجام دی جاتی ہے تو ، نتیجہ خیز پیسہ بنانے والا ثابت ہوسکتا ہے۔ اس کی روشنی میں ، ہم اس بات پر روشنی ڈال رہے ہیں کہ بلاگ کو کس طرح کمایا جائے۔ کسی بلاگ کو رقم کمانے کا طریقہ: کب شروع کریں شاید آپ کے بلاگ کی شروعات ابھی جذبہ پروجیکٹ کے طور پر ہوئی ہے ، اور اب آپ حیران ہیں کہ کیا آپ اس سے پیسہ کمانا شروع کر سکتے ہیں؟ ہوسکتا ہے کہ آپ کے چھوٹے کاروبار یا شروعات میں پہلے سے ہی ایک بلاگ موجود ہو ، اور آپ اسے مستحکم محصول کے دھارے میں تبدیل کرنا چاہتے ہو؟ یا ، ہوسکتا ہے کہ آپ کوئی نیا رخ تلاش کر رہے ہو ، اور آپ اپنا بلاگ شروع سے شروع کرنے پر غور کر رہے ہیں؟ آپ کی وجوہات کچھ بھی ہوں ، اپنے بلاگ کو منیٹائز کرنے کا ہمیشہ ایک اچھا وقت ہے۔ انتظار کرنے کے لئے کچھ نہیں ہے۔ منیٹائزنگ ہونے سے پہلے آپ کو حاصل کرنے کے لئے مطلوبہ صفحہ آراء کا کوئی مقررہ سنگ میل ، وقت ، یا سیٹ تعداد موجود نہیں ہے۔ اس نے کہا ، جب آپ مستحکم ٹریفک تیار کرنا شروع کردیں گے تو آپ کو یہ زیادہ آسان ہوجائے گا۔ آپ کو ہر ماہ سیکڑوں اور ہزاروں زائرین کی ضرورت نہیں ہے ، لیکن اس کے ساتھ کام کرنے کے ل 1،000 1000 کو کافی ہونا چاہئے۔ای میل کی فہرست (ایک چھوٹی سی بھی) رکھنے میں ، یہی بات پیش آتی ہے ، لہذا اگر آپ نے اپنے وزیٹر کے نام اور ای میل پتوں پر قبضہ کرنا شروع نہیں کیا ہے ، تو اب وقت شروع ہوگا۔ دلچسپ بات یہ ہے کہ جو لوگ اپنے بلاگس سے ایک سال میں $ 50،000 سے زیادہ کما لیتے ہیں وہ ان کے ای میل سبسکرائبرز (کم آمدنی والے بلاگرز کے مقابلے میں) بڑھنے پر دھیان دیتے ہیں۔ لہذا ، پیشہ ور افراد سے برتری حاصل کریں اور ای میل مارکیٹنگ کی طرف اپنی توجہ مبذول کرو۔ کسی بلاگ کو رقم کمانے کا طریقہ: بہترین طریقہ کار اگر آپ مواد کی مارکیٹنگ میں نئے ہیں ، اور بلاگ لانچ کرنے کا یہ آپ کا پہلا موقع ہے تو ، ان بہترین طریقوں کو دھیان میں رکھیں: ایک طاق منتخب کریں اپنے نئے بلاگ کے لئے ایک طاق منتخب کریں اور اس پر قائم رہیں۔ تقریبا تین چوتھائی نواز بلاگرز لوگوں کی ضروریات اور مفادات کے ایک خاص گروپ کو پورا کرنے کے لئے اپنا مواد تیار کرتے ہیں۔ اپنے آپ کو بطور ایک ’’ ماہرِ خصوصی ‘‘ پیش کرنے کے بجائے ، خود کو ایک اتھارٹی کی حیثیت سے قائم کرنا بہت آسان بنا دیتا ہے۔ لوگوں سے آپ سے خریداری کے ل enough کافی اعتماد پیدا کرنے کے ل imp ، ضروری ہے کہ آپ اپنے میدان میں قیمتی مہارت کا مظاہرہ کریں۔ اس کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ آپ جس چیز کے بارے میں بات کر رہے ہیں اس سے یہ معلوم کر کے ساکھ قائم کرنا ہے۔ جب آپ اپنے طاق کو چننے کے ل. جاتے ہو تو ، آگاہ رہیں کہ کچھ دوسروں کے مقابلے میں زیادہ منافع بخش ہیں۔ اگر آپ کے بلاگ کا واحد مقصد کل وقتی آمدنی حاصل کرنا ہے ، تو اچھی جگہ ادا کرنے والے طاق کا انتخاب کرنا بلا کہے۔ مثال کے طور پر ، مبہم میوزک انواع کے بارے میں لکھنے میں بہت سارے پیسے ہونے کا امکان نہیں ہے۔ جبکہ کاروباری طریقوں سے متعلق بلاگ کہیں زیادہ منافع بخش ہوسکتا ہے۔مارکیٹ ریسرچ کا انعقاد کریں طاق کا ارتکاب کرنے سے پہلے ، اس کے منافع کا اندازہ لگانے کے لئے کچھ مارکیٹ ریسرچ کریں۔گوگل ٹرینڈس کی طرف جائیں اور طاق سے وابستہ مطلوبہ الفاظ کو پلگ ان کریں۔ تو ، ہم یہ کہتے چلیں کہ آپ فوٹو گرافی میں دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں۔ آپ 'فوٹو گرافی' ، '' بہتر فوٹو کس طرح لیتے ہیں ، '' خریدنے کے لئے بہترین کیمرے ، '' وغیرہ جیسی چیزوں میں ٹائپ کرسکتے ہیں۔گوگل ٹرینڈس کے ذریعہ تیار کردہ گرافس سے زیادہ درست احساس ہوگا کہ کتنےلوگ اس موضوع میں دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں۔ آپ یہ بھی ایک نظر میں دیکھیں گے کہ آیا موضوع مقبولیت میں بڑھ رہا ہے ، گر رہا ہے یا مرتبہ مرتب کررہا ہے۔ یہ کہنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے ، آپ دلچسپی کے عنوانات گرنے سے گریز کرنا چاہیں گے۔ دیکھیں کہ کیا گذشتہ پانچ سالوں میں طاق نے مستقل طور پر اضافہ کیا ہے یا دلچسپی کا مستقل سلسلہ جاری ہے۔ ان عنوانات کا انتخاب کرنے کے لئے سب سے مستحکم طاق ہوتے ہیں۔
The winner of Gwadar is an unnamed hero and benefactor of Pakistan whom hardly any of the 200 million crowd knows.Who knows today that a great woman with an everlasting love and self-sacrifice for Pakistan fought a legal battle with her rival four world powers and annexed the most important coastal state of Pakistan like Gwadar covering an area of more than 1.5 million acres.The combination of the two Balochi words Gowat meaning open air and Dar meaning door,commonly known as Gwadar, was under the unjust occupation of global colonialism until 1956, the story of which is a rare example of benevolence, forgetfulness and decency.Gwadar State was owned by Mir Naseer Noori Baloch, the 18th century Khan of Kalat, but it was proving difficult for Khan to maintain his control over the area.The reason for this was the revolts of the Gachki tribes because in the past they too had ruled the area and wanted to get it back.Khan resolved to hand over control of the area to the Gachki people under an agreement to maintain peace in the area. Under the agreement, it was decided that the area would remain under the Khan of Kalat's jagir and half of its revenue would also be given to Khan Sahib, but its management would remain in the hands of the Gachki tribes.This treaty lasted until 1783 In1783, the ruler of Oman was defeated and exiled after defeating his brother,so he sought refuge with the Khan of Kalat.Accepting his request,the enclave, spread over 2,400 square miles,was handed over to the Sultan of Oman under a new agreement.Under this new agreement it was decided that Gwadar would remain under the Khan of Kalat as per the constitution and its control would also remain with the former Gachki chiefs but the half of the revenue which goes to Khan Sahib It will now be given as a goodwill gesture to the Sultan of Oman so that he can pass his time easily, but when the Sultan no longer needs this refuge, all his rights will go back to the former Khan of Kalat.About fifteen years later, after the re-conquest of Oman,the Sultan returned to his throne,but as usual he kept Gwadar in his hands.Khan Sahib may have died during this period or Marwat did not ask for possession.However, almost ten years later, when the Sultan also died,Khan Sahib's heirs demanded the extradition of Gwadar.On the refusal of the government of Oman, they seized it by force, which was rescued by the Sultan's army. As the controversy escalated over the next twenty years, the British Colonial Administration intervened to settle the case under the pretext of mediation, but instead of doing justice, the Kalat dynasty claimed some privileges from the then Sultan of Oman. He denied that some other evidence was coming before him according to which this area has been the domain of the Sultanate of Oman for a long time. However, the final decision was not made in favor of anyone. In return for this service, the British political agent agreed with the Sultanate of Oman that Gwadar would remain under British control until a final decision was made and that, as before, Oman would be paid half of Gwadar's revenue and send its forces into Gwadar.The British occupied the area for a hundred years.After the formation of Pakistan, when the then Khan of Kalat annexed his estate to Pakistan, Pakistan raised the issue of Gwadar with the stakeholders but no hearing was held.In the same days,a US survey company said that the port of Gwadar is ideal for anchoring large ships.In addition, millions of tons of exportable seafood can be obtained annually from this port which contains 35 species of fish.When the rumor spread to Iran,they decided to merge it with Chah-e-Bihar.In those days, the Shah of Iran was a parrot of Iran and he wanted to include Gwadar in Iran and expand it by connecting it with the port of Chah-e-Bihar.His wish was backed by the US CIA When Malik Feroze Khan Noon took over the Foreign Ministry in1956,he vowed to relinquish Gwadar at all costs and handed over the mission to her after a careful review of all historical facts and documents.In these critical circumstances, this sincere woman emerged as a champion and started lobbying for Pakistan in the UK.He did his homework and took the case to the United Kingdom so that the Gwadar could be recaptured with the approval of the House of Lords.Because the Kalat family's estate was now owned by Pakistan Therefore, Pakistan's right to inherit this part of their estate should now be recognized, and that Pakistan has abolished all the estates that were distributed by the British government on the basis of revenue sharing or compensation, and that if we If we cancel the Gwadar estate and get rid of the military coup, then Britain, being a member of the Commonwealth,cannot even attack us.She won the two-year war with pen arguments, rather than a sword, and negotiations in which British Prime Minister Macmillan, a friend of Malik Sahib,played a key role.Sultan Saeed bin Timur of Oman was supportive but hinted at a bargain.When Malik Sahib became the Prime Minister,he used the slogan"Not now or never"in the case of Gwadar. After six months of nerve-wracking negotiations, Oman agreed to hand over control of Gwadar to Pakistan for 3 million.The bulk of this amount was donated by Prince Karim Aga Khan and the rest was paid by the Government of Pakistan. In some places it is said that the entire amount was paid by His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan. In this regard, Malik Sahib writes in his autobiography "Chashm Deed" that "where there is a problem of security and dignity of the country, the price is not seen. Anyway, this amount should be recovered from Gwadar's income in just a few years." Today, when Ikramullah, the High Commissioner of Pakistan to the United Kingdom, handed over to me the signed document for the transfer of Gwadar, you cannot imagine the joy I felt at that time because Gwadar was in the hands of a foreigner.It was as if we were living in a house with a back room occupied by a stranger.And this stranger can sell it to an enemy of Pakistan at any time and that enemy can also pay the biggest amount for this deal.Thus,after two years of full-scale war, on September 8,1958, 2,400 square miles or more than 1.5 million acres of Gwadar became part of Pakistan.In 2002, General Musharraf planned to build the Gwadar Port, which has gone through various stages and has now taken the form of C-Pak and undoubtedly augurs well for Pakistan.Today everyone wants to take credit for Gwadar Port and C-Pak but no one knows the name of this great benefactor of Pakistan who fought a fierce battle with four powerful stakeholders of the world, British Parliament, CIA, Iran and Oman.Lost Gwadar put back in the swing of Pakistan.Look at another high-pitched joke that in a country where even with a tap, its drum is beaten in front of the whole nation There, these dignitaries did not celebrate their unparalleled success nationwide just so as not to injure the self-esteem of the Sultan of Oman. That is why the nation today knows this genius working couple and is not aware of their great achievement.The benefactor of the country and nation that conquered Gwadar is Mohtarma Waqarul Nisa Noon, who is the second wife of the seventh Prime Minister of Pakistan, Malik Feroz Khan Noon. Not acknowledging their great effort is a kind of forgetfulness and not introducing them to the nation is nothing but indifference.
Her former name was Victoria Rekhi.She was born in Austria and raised in the United Kingdom.Malik Feroz Khan Noon met him when he was the High Commissioner to the Government of India in the United Kingdom At the invitation of Malik Sahib, he converted to Islam and married her in Bombay and changed her name from Victoria to Waqarul Nisa Noon.He is also affectionately known as Wiki Noon. She organized several women's groups to highlight the Tehreek-e-Pakistan and was arrested three times in the civil disobedience movement for organizing protests and processions against the British Khidr Hayat cabinet.After the formation of Pakistan, he played a very active role in the care of the stranded refugees You are also one of the founding members of APWA,the first women's welfare organization.He also founded Waqarul Nisa Girls College Rawalpindi and Waqarul Nisa School Dhaka.Perform valuable services for the Red Crescent
As Minister of Tourism under Zia-ul-Haq, he attracted the whole world to Pakistan for the promotion of tourism.The Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation is one of them.His passion for Pakistan did not grow cold even in old age.When her childless sister's estate in the UK was transferred to her, she set up the"Wiki Noon Education Foundation"with this fund,which is still a beacon of social service.According to her will,a portion of the fund is spent on educating poor but gifted students from institutions such as Oxford who are willing to return and serve the country Ms.Waqarul Nisa Noon passed away on January 16,2000 after a long illness.She did not have any children of her own.Her real children are Pakistanis who are following in her footsteps in patriotism.she was awarded the government's highest civilian honor in 1959 for her conquest of Gwadar But their real reward is the respect we as a nation can give them.According to Our Beacons and a New Age article, there is no Prime Minister, President, General, Minister, Adviser, Ambassador other than Ms. Waqarul Nisa Noon who can take this great credit for conquering Gwadar.Former Federal Secretary for Information Rashid Chaudhry says she was a "kind mother" who loved us more than a real mother. They brought us to Gwadar.Gwadar which is the center of attention all over the world today.Ms:Waqarul Nisa Noon Hello dear mother. Let the sky bring dew on your lap
Matrizili or Snake Umbrella
umbrella,or snake umbrella ,The botanical name is Trielum Gonianum.Magic is one of the herbal plants that has a lot of medicinal value and is also known as Himalayan trillium or snake umbrella, tan patra, tree flower or birth root which belongs to the family triliaceae.Herbal remedies have been used since ancient times to cure various diseases.These herbal plants were used to prevent and protect against various diseases.Trillium guanyinum It has flowers and is found masculine in the Himalayas.Mainly in China,Nepal ٫Botany.Trillium is mainly composed of the steroid saponin The activity of trilium is due to the presence of various important phytoconstrictors and metabolites This plant is very useful in curing many diseases but is mainly used in the treatment of cancer.Therefore,it is also called an antiseptic herb Because triamcinolone is an endangered species, it should be protected.Because it is a very important herb in the treatment of various diseases.It can be treated with this magical herb.T-guanium is the most important herb in the pharmaceutical system because of the high cost of treatment at this plant.
Friday, June 4, 2021
Honestly,I was not surprised to learn of Malala
Honestly,I was not surprised to learn of Malala's rare views because I know that liberals generally do not mind the various restrictions imposed on life, the problem is only with the restrictions imposed by religion.To violate the principle that is set on universal revelation They will never demand freedom from the rest of the worldly principles, but will impose it on everyone.Give two examples.Have you ever heard from a liberal lawyer that wearing a black coat in summer is ignorance? The judge has to pronounce the verdict by looking at the arguments, witnesses, evidence etc. or by looking at the coat. Then the black color absorbs the heat, so what kind of stupid clothes do lawyers wear during the day in the summer of Karachi. You will never hear all this, the reason is that the Bhai Angash law, which is in force, is based on the premise that there should be a black coat, so if you want to advocate,you have to submit to this principle.Wimbledon Open, the world's leading tennis competition The condition is that the color of the athlete's clothing should be white The player cannot enter the field wearing any other color. Why? Reason? The player has to play a match with his strokes! She dressed in any color He is so liberal The game doesn't have religion anyway But no liberal, blonde or brown, will ever appear to challenge this principle.I put the third stitch because I also saw the small children of SPS Sadiq Public School in my city Bahawalpur in the early morning in severe winter and severe fog shivering from the cold at the bus stop with bare feet wearing coat and beads below I have seen and thought in my heart how we are abiding by the English rule and the parents of these children who belong to the elite class do not have the courage to complain to the school administration that Mian Why are our children enemies? And if there was a mosque instead of a school, you can imagine their reaction Yes when it comes to the principle of religion,this liberal class suddenly needs all kinds of freedom From the rest of the rituals to the rules of the game, everywhere they bow their heads There does not hurt their freedom. Nor does it make sense that any institution or person is imposing its will on us Now, where they cannot openly oppose religion, they adopt the attitude that they cool the hearts by abusing the Maulvis. As soon as they step into a society where there is freedom to talk nonsense about religion, they immediately throw off their skins and their true colors come to the fore.Malala has introduced the latest item of the same strategy.By Pen-Strange Sen Brother!
In two minutes, the dirt on the teeth, clean toothache and feeling hot and cold is also fine
Here is a great tip for brushing your teeth. People who have very yellow teeth have turned black by eating ice cream or sweets or their teeth are getting damaged due to sugar. If there is any problem due to which there is a strange type of plaque in their teeth, then the solution of these problems is being listed in this article, so it is a paste. You have to apply it in the morning with the help of a brush. The way to make this paste is that first you have to take an inch piece of ginger and peel it and you have to grate it. Now put it aside. You can also make a paste by adding it. Now take a bowl and squeeze half a lemon in it. First add ginger paste in it. Add this paste equal to about a teaspoon.
Put two pinches of salt on top of it and add the equivalent of one tablespoon of the toothpaste you use every day. Now mix all these ingredients. After mixing, it is in the form of a paste. It will be ready. You have to brush with it in the morning. Insha'Allah, all your dental problems will be removed. In the first use, you will see the difference. Inshallah, it will be on the side because the salt that is added in it and the most valuable thing is ginger paste will save you from any kind of dental disease. The custom of eating out has become common. Looks curious about food. Food streets have been set up everywhere. In which a variety of food is available. Going out to eat every weekend has become the most popular pastime.
Mouth watering when you see food outside, but most people are unaware of how it is prepared. When we prepare our own food, we make sure that everything used in it is clean. It should be clean and pure. It should not contain any harmful health items. When we eat this thing outside, it looks good but there is no guarantee that it will be clean. This food prepared in Food Street and restaurants. They are very harmful to health. They cause harm to the human body. The harms caused by these foods are listed below. Contaminated salt contained in unhealthy foods can cause blood pressure problems. The substandard oil used for its preparation is harmful to the heart and veins. People usually suffer from food poisoning due to eating substandard and stale food. May Allah be our supporter and helper. Amen.
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